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Q. How long will my order take?
A. Please refer to our delivery page for full details.

Q. Is the website secure?
A. Yes, once you get to the payment page it is thoroughly secure while you are doing your transaction.

Q. What happens if I choose the wrong colour?
A. We are happy to exchange for the right colour

Q. What happens if the garment doesn’t fit me?
A. Please send it back to us and we’ll be happy to send you the correct size or we will give you a refund.

Q. What sizes can I choose from?
A. You can choose any size from XS to 4 XL or any combination of these sizes such as Medium Length, Large Width, and Small Sleeve. There may be some styles that we can’t offer in combination sizing which will be discussed in the information area of that style

Q. Why is the colour different on the website from the catalogue?
A. Because the web colours are determined by your computer and are sometimes a bit different on your screen.